Trailblazer Typography Launch Project

Trailblazer - Jonathan Mead
Trailblazer - Jonathan Mead
Trailblazer - Jonathan Mead
Trailblazer - Jonathan Mead
Trailblazer - Jonathan Mead
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I was excited to get the opportunity to work with Jonathan Mead of Illuminated Mind recently. I’ve been a follower of his work for years and when he contacted me about designing a poster to promote his Trailblazer program I jumped on it.

Jonathan wanted an eye catching typographic poster that would act as a manifesto for the Trailblazer movement. Using Jonathan’s manifesto I designed a poster that would speak to Jonathan’s community as well as those who have yet to be introduced to Trailblazer or Illuminated Mind.

The initial concept was a one color letterpress poster but we eventually decided on a more compact design with a halftone texture similar to that seen in newspapers.